Friday, June 30, 2006

Things to Say When Caught Sleeping at Work

- "They told me at the blood bank this might happen."

- "This is just a 15 minute power nap like they raved about in that time management course you sent me to."

- "Whew! Guess I left the top off the Wite-Out. You probably got here just in time!"

- "I wasn't sleeping! I was meditating on the mission statement and envisioning a new paradigm."

- "I was testing my keyboard for drool resistance."

- "I was doing a highly specific Yoga exercise to relieve work-related stress. Are you discriminatory toward people who practice Yoga?"

- "Darn! Why did you interrupt me? I had almost figured out a solution to our biggest problem."

- "The coffee machine is broken."

- "Someone must've put decaf in the wrong pot."

- "... in Jesus' name. Amen."

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Tips and Tricks of iPod and iTunes


Here are some great tips and tricks to help you work faster and smarter in iTunes. For the very latest hot tips, visit the iTunes Hot Tips website at


  • To quickly enter CD information for all the songs on a CD, select the CD in the Source list and choose File > Get Info. You can enter basic CD information once for all the songs on the CD.
  • To add a song from a CD to a new playlist, drag the song from the CD to the white area below the items in the Source list. The song is imported into your library and added to a new playlist.
  • To quickly add a song from a CD to an existing playlist, insert the CD, then drag the song from the list of CD tracks to the playlist. The song is automatically imported into your library and added to the playlist.


  • To open a playlist in a new window, double-click the playlist icon in the Source list.
  • When you change information in the library, the change affects all your playlists, too.
  • To copy a song from one playlist to another playlist, drag the song to a playlist in the Source list.
  • To quickly find the page in the iTunes Music Store for a song in your library or playlist, click the arrow in the song, artist, or album column.
  • To quickly create a playlist containing an album in your library, click Library and choose Edit > Show Browser (if you see only Hide Browser, then the browser is already visible). Drag an album from the Album list in the top-right section of the library to the white area below the items in your Source list. A playlist named after the album is created.
  • To email the URL to one of your published iMixes to a friend, click the Publish arrow to the right of the published playlist in the Source list, and then click "Tell a friend.
  • To remove the Party Shuffle playlist or Radio from your Source list, deselect the Party Shuffle or Radio checkbox in the General pane of iTunes Preferences."
  • If you're listening to a playlist that includes a song preview, the playlist stops after the song preview. Double-click the next song in the playlist to resume playing the remainder of the items in the list.
  • If nothing happens when you click the arrow next to a song, artist, or album in your library, that item may not be available in the iTunes Music Store. Shift-click the arrow to quickly go to the item in browse view in your library.


  • To scan forward or back when a song is playing, drag the diamond in the progress bar.
  • If you're listening to the songs in a shared library or playlist and your computer is not authorized to play the purchased songs in the list, iTunes skips the purchased music. To listen to purchased music in a shared library or playlist, you need to double-click the song and authorize your computer to play it.
  • If you have a fast Internet connection (DSL or cable modem), you can have music that's streamed to your computer (such as iTunes Music Store previews, radio stations, shared music libraries) begin playing more quickly by choosing the Small streaming buffer size in the Advanced pane of iTunes Preferences. If you have a slower Internet connection (modem), you can make the buffer size Large for smoother streaming playback.

    Music Store

  • To listen to a preview of a song in the iTunes Music Store, double-click a song. If your network connection is slower than 128 kbps, the preview may stutter. Choose Edit > Preferences, and in the Store pane, select the "Load complete preview before playing" checkbox.
  • To include the URL to an iTunes Music Store page in an email message or other document, drag a link, track, or graphic from a page in the Music Store to your email program or other application. You can also right-click the item and choose Copy iTunes Music Store URL.


  • To make your own CD from an album in your library, click Library and choose Edit > Show Browser (if you see only Hide Browser, then the browser is already visible). Drag an album from the Album list in the top-right section of the library to the white area below the items in your Source list. Click the new album playlist icon to select it, then choose File > "Burn Playlist to Disc." (The type of disc that's created is based on the import settings in the Importing pane of iTunes preferences.)
  • To avoid the message that appears when you insert a blank CD, click the Burn button before inserting the blank CD.

    iTunes window

  • To rename a song, album, or CD, select its name in a list, then click the name again.
  • To quickly go to the song (in your library or on the Music Store) that's currently playing, click the curved arrow on the right side of the display at the top of the iTunes window.
  • To zoom the main iTunes window to full screen, double-click the title bar (or click the Maximize button). Double-click the title bar again to switch back to the previous view. To zoom the window to its optimal size, press the Shift key and double-click the title bar.
  • To switch between total, elapsed, and remaining time, click the time display at the top of the iTunes window. (You might need to double-click a song to see the time display.) Click the song title to switch between artist, title, and album name.
  • To switch between the approximate and precise time for all the songs in the selected playlist or the library, click the time displayed at the bottom of the iTunes window.
  • You can right-click songs, playlists, column headings, and many other items in iTunes to do certain tasks more easily. For example, to see all the playlists that include a particular song, right-click the song, then drag down to Playlists.
  • To add or remove iTunes from the system tray, choose Edit > Preferences and click the Advanced tab. Then select or deselect the "Show iTunes icon in system tray" checkbox.
  • To see all the songs on a compilation CD grouped together in your library, make sure "Group compliations when browsing" is selected in iTunes preferences. If this checkbox is deselected, artists from compilation CDs appear individually in the Artist list (in browse view).


  • If you want to use iPod shuffle primarily as a hard disk to store and transfer files between computers, you can keep iTunes from automatically opening when you connect it to your computer by deselecting the "Open iTunes when this iPod is attached" checkbox in the iPod pane of iTunes Preferences.
  • To limit the songs that get transferred to your iPod shuffle, connect your iPod shuffle and choose Edit > Preferences. Click the iPod tab and select the “Only update checked songs” checkbox. Then, in the Source list, select the item that's chosen in the "Autofill from" pop-up menu (at the bottom of the iTunes window when iPod shuffle is selected) and uncheck any songs that you don’t want to be transferred to your iPod shuffle.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Tips for Windows Optimization

-----Press Win+L to switch to the Welcome screen.
-----Press Win+L to lock your workstation.
-----You can switch users without going through the Welcome screen: From Task Manager, go to the Users tab, right-click a user, and select Connect.
-----Hold down the shift key in the shutdown dialog to change "Stand By" to "Hibernate". Or just press H to hibernate instantly. You can even use the Power Control Panel to configure your power button to hibernate.
-----To disable the password when resuming from standby or hibernation, open the Power Control Panel and uncheck "Prompt for password after returning from standby" on the Advanced tab.
-----You can rename multiple files all at once: Select a group of files, right-click the first file, and select "Rename". Type in a name for the first file, and the rest will follow.
-----Hold down the shift key when switching to thumbnail view to hide the file names. Do it again to bring them back.
-----When dragging a file in Explorer, you can control the operation that will be performed when you release the mouse button:

Hold the Control key to force a Copy.

Hold the Shift key to force a Move.

Hold the Alt key to force a Create Shortcut.
-----If you create a file called Folder.jpg, that image will be used as the thumbnail for the folder. What's more, that image will also be used as the album art in Windows Media Player for all media files in that folder.
-----From the View Menu, select "Choose Details" to select which file properties should be shown in the Explorer window. To sort by a file property, check its name in the "Choose Details" in order to make that property available in the "Arrange Icons by" menu.
-----To display the volume control icon in the taskbar, go to the Sounds and Audio Devices Control Panel and select "Place volume icon in the taskbar".
-----Hold down the shift key when deleting a file to delete it immediately instead of placing it in the Recycle Bin. Files deleted in this way cannot be restored.
-----If you hold down the shift key while clicking "No" in a Confirm File Operation dialog, the response will be interpreted as "No to All".
-----To save a document with an extension other than the one a program wants to use, enclose the entire name in quotation marks. For example, if you run Notepad and save a file under the name

it will actually be saved under the name Dr.Z.txt. But if you type

then the document will be saved under the name Dr.Z. Note that a document so-named cannot be opened via double-clicking since the extension is no longer ".txt".
-----Put a shortcut to your favorite editor in your Send To folder and it will appear in your "Send To" menu. You can then right-click any file and send it to your editor.
-----Ctrl+Shift+Escape will launch Task Manager.
-----To arrange two windows side-by-side, switch to the first window, then hold the Control key while right-clicking the taskbar button of the second window. Select "Tile Vertically".
-----To close several windows at once, hold down the Control key while clicking on the taskbar buttons of each window. Once you have selected all the windows you want to close, right-click the last button you selected and pick "Close Group".
-----You can turn a folder into a desktop toolbar by dragging the icon of the desired folder to the edge of the screen. You can then turn it into a floating toolbar by dragging it from the edge of the screen into the middle of the screen. (It helps if you minimize all application windows first.)
-----You can turn a folder into a taskbar toolbar.

First, unlock your taskbar.

Next, drag the icon of the desired folder to the space between the taskbar buttons and the clock. (Wait for the no-entry cursor to change to an arrow. It's a very tiny space; you will have to hunt for it.)

You can rearrange and resize the taskbar toolbar you just created.

You can even turn the taskbar toolbar into a menu by resizing it until only its name is visible.
-----In the Address Bar, type "microsoft" and hit Ctrl+Enter. Internet Explorer automatically inserts the "http://www." and ".com" for you.
-----To remove an AutoComplete entry from a Web form, highlight the item in the AutoComplete dropdown and press the Delete key.

To remove all Web form AutoComplete entries, go to the Internet Explorer Tools menu, select Internet Options, Content, AutoComplete, then press the "Clear Forms" button.
-----To organize your Favorites in Explorer instead of using the Organize Favorites dialog, hold the shift key while selecting "Organize Favorites" from the Favorites menu of an Explorer window.
-----You can organize your Favorites by dragging the items around your Favorites menu.

Alternatively, you can open the Favorites pane and hold the Alt key while pressing the up and down arrows to change the order of your Favorites.
-----To run Internet Explorer fullscreen, press F11. Do it again to return to normal mode.
-----If your "Printers and Faxes" folder is empty, you can hide the "Printers and Faxes" icon when viewed from other computers by stopping the Print Spooler service.
-----To add or remove columns from Details mode, select Choose Details from the View menu, or just right-click the column header bar.
-----In Internet Explorer, hold the Shift key while turning the mouse wheel to go forwards or backwards.
-----In Internet Explorer, hold the Shift key while clicking on a link to open the Web page in a new window.
-----In Internet Explorer, type Ctrl+D to add the current page to your Favorites.

This and many more keyboard shortcuts can be found by going to Internet Explorer, clicking the Help menu, then selecting Contents and Index. From the table of contents, open Accessibility and click "Using Internet Explorer keyboard shortcuts".
-----In some applications (such as Internet Explorer), holding the Control key while turning the mouse wheel will change the font size.
-----To shut down via Remote Desktop, click the Start button, then type Alt+F4.

Blogging geek at

Postings are mere informative and may not comply with standards!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Home Cooked Meal

A young man called his mother and announced excitedly that he had just met the woman of his dreams. Now what should he do?

His mother had an idea: "Why don't you send her flowers, and on the card invite her to your apartment for a home- cooked meal?"

He thought this was a great strategy, and arranged a date for a week later. His mother called the day after the big date to see how things had gone.

"The evening was a disaster," he moaned.

"Why, didn't she come over?" asked his mother.

"Oh, she came over, but she refused to cook...."

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Another Hacking Documentation


 Documentation for  [  A U T O - H A C K  ]  version 1.0



Written by: Grimalkin,  08/12/86


NOTICE:  This program was written to further the education of the IBM PC

         computer users out there, and was not intended to be used in any

         method other than educationally.  Any uses other than learning about

         Hayes compatible modems are the responsibility of the end user.




AutoHack version 1.0

Copyright [C] 1986 by Grimalkin


Program thanks to: Spam Master



First, a general overview of AutoHack.  It contains two basic programs in

one.  A Scanner, which will scan through a set range of numbers and check for

carriers, and a Hacker, which will "hack" through codes on a given Long

Distance service, such as MCI, Sprint, Metrophone, or Allnet.



 Hacking Section



The hacking section options consist of two subchoices, Begin, and Reconfigure.

We will start with Reconfigure.


Reconfigure allows you to change virtually every parameter in AutoHack Hacking

Section.  Here is a brief explaination of all of them.


COM port.............The COM port that your modem is in.  Can only be 1 or 2

Hack port............The telephone number of the Long Distance service you wish

                     to hack on.

Start code...........The code to start hacking with.

Increment............Allows you to set it to add a certain number to the code

                     to try each time.  If 0 is selected, it will be a totally

                     random code, and if 99 is selected it will increment the

                     code with a random number between 1 and 10.

Time.................The number of minutes you want the hacker to run

Opening delay........The number of seconds you want to wait after the Hack

                     port is dialed, before the code/number is dialed.

Wait carrier delay...The number of seconds you want to wait for a carrier after

                     the dialing process begins (includes dialing time)

Length of code.......The number of digits in the code

Number of carrier....A telephone number to try that ALWAYS gives a carrier.

                     It is a good idea to use one out of your own free-calling



When you have reconfigured it to your needs, hit [Q] [RETURN] to quit.  This

will save the configuration so you will not need to reconfigure again the next

time you run AutoHack.


Now, you select "Begin Hacking" from the Hacking menu, and the process will

begin.  If you wish to stop the hacker completely, hit [X].  If you wish to

hide the screen, press [H].  Hiding the screen will put a fake screen over top

with the words " The Genius Compiler " on the screen, and false compiling

messages on the screen.  When the hack is finished, if the screen is still

hidded, it will display some status.  The status "Error:" is the number of

working codes you have gotten.  Pressing any key will return to the main

Hack menu.


If you are in "Hide" mode, [H] will return you to the normal screen, and [X]

will still quit.



 Scanning section



The Scanner also has a reconfigure screen.  These are the options it has:


LD Prefix.......The Long Distance prefix to dial before dialing the number to

                check for carrier.  This allows you to Scan a long distance

                area with MCI, Sprint, Metro, or another service, rather than

                paying with AT & T.  To Scan numbers within your free-calling

                area, type [/] at the prompt to change it and it will become


Area code.......This is the area code of the numbers to be Scanned.  If the

                LD Prefix is blank, however, this is ignored.

Prefix..........This is the three digit prefix to the numbers to be Scanned.

Start number....This is the first of the four digit numbers to be scanned.

                (xxx/xxx-nnnn <- nnnn represents the start number)

End number......This is the last number to be Scanned (see Start number)

Delay...........This is the number of seconds to wait for a carrier at a given

                Scanned number.


When you are finished, press [Q] [RETURN].  Notice that these options, too,

are saved so they do not need to be configured each time.


When you begin, it will scan the numbers you have specified.  You may press [X]

to abort.  Since this is not an illegal activity, I have found no reason to

put the Hide Screen option in this section.



 Reading the results



When a Hack or a Scan is finished, the results will be in a file on the disk

called "Codes.Dat" (for the Hacker) or "Scanner.Dat" (for the Scanner).  These

files may then be printed out or just "Typed" on the screen from DOS.


NOTE: Be sure to print these files, or rename them, before beginning another

      Hack or Scan, otherwise they will be overwritten.. I.E.. Poof!



 That's it



That's it.. the end of the docs for AutoHack.  If you would like to get in

contact with either me or Spam Master concerning this program or future

versions, contact me on the Apple boards listed in the Credits section, or

contact Spam Master on the IBM boards.


Note that this blog entry is posted merely for informative purpose and this documentation can be found in the internet.
It'd be nice of you to use this documentation for purely educational purposes as I am using them now.
Please, have your comments posted or email


Blogging the ultimate geek stuff @ 

Monday, June 19, 2006

Of Cats, Toast, and Antigravity

If you drop a buttered piece of bread, it will fall on the floor butter-side down. If a cat is dropped from a window or other high and towering place, it will land on its feet.

But what if you attach a buttered piece of bread, butter-side up to a cat's back and toss them both out the window? Will the cat land on its feet? Or will the butter splat on the ground?

Even if you are too lazy to do the experiment yourself you should be able to deduce the obvious result. The laws of butterology demand that the butter must hit the ground, and the equally strict laws of feline aerodynamics demand that the cat can not smash its furry back. If the combined construct were to land, nature would have no way to resolve this paradox. Therefore it simply does not fall.

That's right you clever mortal (well, as clever as a mortal can get), you have discovered the secret of antigravity! A buttered cat will, when released, quickly move to a height where the forces of cat-twisting and butter repulsion are in equilibrium. This equilibrium point can be modified by scraping off some of the butter, providing lift, or removing some of the cat's limbs, allowing descent.

Most of the civilized species of the Universe already use this principle to drive their ships while within a planetary system. The loud humming heard by most sighters of UFOs is, in fact, the purring of several hundred tabbies.

The one obvious danger is, of course, if the cats manage to eat the bread off their backs they will instantly plummet. Of course the cats will land on their feet, but this usually doesn't do them much good, since right after they make their graceful landing several tons of red-hot starship and ticked off aliens crash on top of them.

And now a few words on solving the problem of creating a ship using the aforementioned anti-gravity device.

One could power a ship by means of cats held in suspended animation (say, about -190 degrees Celsius) with buttered bread strapped to their backs, thus avoiding the possibility of collisions due to tempermental felines. More importantly, how do you steer, once the cats are all held in stasis?

I offer a modest proposal:

We all know that wearing a white shirt at an Italian restaurant is a guaranteed way to take a trip to the laudromat. Plaster the outside of your ship with white shirts. Place four nozzles symmetrically around the ship, which is, of course, saucer shaped. Fire tomato sauce out in proportion to the directions you want to go. The ship, drawn by the shirts, will automatically follow the sauce. If you use t-shirts, you won't go as fast as you would by using, say, expensive dress shirts. This does not work as well in deep gravity wells, since the tomato sauce (now falling down a black hole, perhaps) will drag the ship with it, despite the counter force of the anti-gravity cat/butter machine. Your only hope at that point is to jettison enormous quantities of Tide. This will create the well-known Gravitational Tidal Force.

The ultimate geek blog @

Saturday, June 17, 2006

New Chemical Element Discovered

The element, tentatively, named Administratium, has no protons or electrons and thus has an atomic number of 0. However, it does have one neutron, 125 assistant neutrons, 75 vice neutrons and 111 assistant vice neutrons, which gives it an atomic mass of 312. These 312 particles are held together by a force that involves the continuous exchange of meson-like particles called morons. It is also surrounded by vast quantities of lepton-like particles called peons.

Since it has no electrons, Administratium is inert. However, it can be detected chemically as it impedes every reaction it comes in contact with. According to the discoverers, a minute amount of Administratium causes one reaction to take over four days to complete when it would have normally occurred in less than a second. Administratium has a normal half-life of approximately three years, at which time it does not decay, but instead undergoes a reorganization in which assistant neutrons, vice neutrons and assistant vice neutrons exchange places. Some studies have shown that the atomic mass actually increases after each reorganization.

Research at other laboratories indicates that Administratium occurs naturally in the atmosphere. It tends to concentrate at certain points such as government agencies, large corporations, and universities. It can usually be found in the newest, best appointed, and best maintained buildings.

Scientists point out that Administratium is known to be toxic at any level of concentration and can easily destroy any productive reaction where it is allowed to accumulate. Attempts are being made to determine how Administratium can be controlled to prevent irreversible damage, but results to date are not promising.

The ultimate geek weblog @

Friday, June 16, 2006

Free Domain

Free Domains:

No ads
No popups
No banners
No purchase required

The Obsolete Method

This is just a demo for those who might be searching frequently on the net to crack onto someone's email account. BUT remember that this is an OBSOLETE way, do not try to loose your precious time on unncessary thing like this.

How To Hack Into Hotmail, Yahoo, and Geocities using a simple exploit

Greetings, so you want to hack into people’s Yahoo and Hotmail accounts huh? Thought it was impossible? Guess again! Hacking Hotmail has never been easier! Alot of us hackers out there don't really like to say how to hack e-mails because then hundreds of more people will come in and ask us the same question. It is rather annoying.

  I've decided to create this tutorial and hopefully make all of the people constantly IMing and e-mailing me about this stop.


Exploit Background


Let's face it, we all know Hotmail has very crappy security. Even a mere child can break into it and it's been hacked so many times. There's an old, old, glitch in the password recovery system that can be easily exploited.

The Microsoft Hotmail password recovery system is fully automated and poorly coded, hence it can be easily "confused" and exploited.


How To

Make sure to follow these steps precisely or the systems bot will catch on and disreguard your request.


Step 1. Address a mail to the Microsoft Hotmail password recovery admin bot.

It's address is


Step 2. Put "passget" without the quotations in the subject line.


Step 3. In the e-mail body, on the first line: put the complete email address of the user whose password you want.


Step 4. In the 5th line, type the email address and the login (pass) you want the password to be sent to, this is to confuse the Systems Admin bot into sending you the password of the address in the first line rather than your own. That is the exploit I mentioned earlier.


Step 5. After completing the above steps, simply send the mail to the address mentioned in Step 1.


Here's an example of the above



Subject:  passget

CC.________________   BCC.___________________

=-email body-=





your email adress here   example.:

your pass here                example.: mypassword




The response time of the Systems Admin bot will vary. It can take from a few minutes to a full 24 hours depending on network traffic and activity so please try to be patient. If a full 24 hours have passed without any response simply re-send it.


Hacking Yahoo/Geocites


Believe it or not but Hotmail and Yahoo basically use the same damn system! That means that they both have the same damn crappy service and crappy security! Hence, they potentially suffer from similar glitches/exploits.

I've tested the Hotmail exploit above with several Yahoo accounts and it worked!


So basically, use the same steps on Yahoo mentioned earlier except change "adress/" to "address/" because you are hacking Yahoo now.


ALSO, change the "To:" address from "" to


A person's Yahoo password is also their Geocities', so once you recieve the pass, you can log into and fuck around with their website if they have one.




Well, that's about it. Simple as that. Follow the above steps and you'll be hacking emails in no time. Good luck!

Blog entry @ the ultimate geek blog

Monday, June 12, 2006

The Perfect Man

At a local coffee bar, a young woman was expounding on her idea of the perfect mate to some of her friends.

"The man I marry must be a shining light amongst company. He must be musical. Tell jokes. Sing. And stay home at night!"

An old granny overheard and spoke up, "Honey, if that's all you want, get a TV!"

Happy Friendship Week!!!

Happy Friendship Week!!!

Your sentiment is ur love,
love is ur heart,
heart is ur spouse,
spouse is ur future,
future is ur destiny,
destiny is ambition,
ambition is ur aspiration,
aspiration is ur motivation,
motivation is ur believe,
believe is ur peace,
peace is ur target,
target is heaven,

Heaven is like hell without FRIENDS. It's "world best friends week"
Send this to all ur good friends. Even me, if I am one of them.
See how many u get back.

Happy Days folks! >>>Ekendra


Extreme jokes, never believed to be true!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Free What?

I ran into an old buddy the other day. He was a rising entrepreneur, but now he looked down and out. What gives? He begins wailing his tale.

"I had a restaurant out there on the interstate, you know. Spent a fortune on a new high-rise sign to attract traffic. It did, too. It read 'free cocktail with dinner!' The 'cocktail' was flashing red neon. Was it impressive!"

"Sounds like a good idea. So what went wrong?"

"Oh, the county took notice, inspection crews come out, I'm harassed all the time by the Planning department, the churches in the neighborhood have filed compaints-"

"Hey, I thought you ran a stand-up operation out there."

"I did. Half my flashing red neon burned out!"

"Oh, I see..." I thought a minute. "Which half?"

"Don't make no difference!" he wailed.

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