Saturday, December 15, 2007

windows secrets III

Moving the Start Button

How to move or close the start button!

  1. Click on the Start button
  2. Press the Esc key
  3. Press the Alt and the - keys together
  4. This will give you a menu, you can move or close
  5. But if you move it you need to use the arrow keys and not the mouse.

Aligning Drop-Down Menus to the Right

All dropdown menus can be aligned to the right.
This features becomes useful when trying to access
menus with submenus that appear directly to the right.

  1. Open the Registory editor (e.g. regedit.exe)
  2. Goto \\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop
  3. Create a string entry called "MenuDropAlignment"
  4. Set its value to 1
  5. Reboot

Note: Will not work under NT 4.0.

Repositioning a Background Bitmap

Normally, you only options for displaying a background bitmap are tiled, centered, or stretch to fit (with the Plus Pack).
You can edit the registry and have a third option which is to place the bitmap anywhere on your screen by specifying the X and Y coordinates.

  1. Start Regedit
  2. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Control Panel / Desktop
  3. Create new Strings called WallpaperOriginX and WallpaperOriginY
  4. Give them values to position them around your desktop
  5. The bitmap must be smaller than your desktop size

Changing Drive Icons

To change a drive's icon when you open My Computer

  1. Create a file called AUTORUN.INF on the root of your hard drive
  2. Enter the lines

ICON=Name of the ICON file

For the name of the icon file you can either specify the path and name (e.g. ICON=C:\WINDOWS\ICONS\MY_ICON.ICO) or
a specific icon in a library (e.g. ICON=ICONFILE.DLL,2)

 windows secrets- hacking your system to better performance and fun

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